Town Crier

Town Crier is our community calendar program. It airs at 10:30 weekday mornings. If you have an event that you would like us to announce, call (217) 784-8661, fax your information to (217) 784-8677, drop them by our studios, or email "WGCYPRODUCTION@HOTMAIL.COM". Each Town Crier item is read beginning Monday of the week it will be held. Please send information at least three weeks in advance.

The Gibson City Bible Church is hosting their Christmas Eve service on Thursday night beginning at 6:00 p.m. The service will consist of special musical selections, performances, the Gibson City Bible Church Choir, and a special message by Pastor Paul Thomason. The service should last no longer than 45 minutes. The nursery area will not be staffed, but parents can use the nursery if they wish.