Radiofied Ads

Radiofied Ads is our daily buy/sell/trade announcement program, which airs at 8:30 a.m. and 12:45 p.m. Monday through Friday. If you would like to submit information for Radiofied Ads, please call (217) 784-8661, fax them to (217) 784-8677, drop them by our studios, or email them to "WGCYPRODUCTION@HOTMAIL.COM" . Each Radiofied Ads item is read for one week.

For sale, a 1994 Buick LeSabre. It has 119,000 miles on it, new tires, and a good body. Call (217) 249-2377 for pricing.

For sale, a Schwinn Airdyne exercise bike. It’s brand-new, and still in excellent condition. They’re asking $1,100 or best offer. Call (217) 749-3835 if you are interested.