Monday, December 14, 2015

Gibson City Council Minutes: December 14, 2015

The Gibson City Council met in regular session Monday night.

City Superintendent Randy Stauffer informed the council that he has continued to experience problems with IDOT receiving payment from the motor fuel tax on the Melvin Street Project back in 2008. Mr. Stauffer stated that the city has sent certified letters to IDOT on three separate occasions, and that IDOT still claims not to have the money. When he contacted IDOT about the problem recently, he was told that IDOT no longer has records from the project, and therefore claims to have not received any sort of payment. The total amount owed is about $250,000. If the situation with IDOT is not resolved, then the city will be unable to continue with any city projects, including the Lott Boulevard Project. Mr. Stauffer told the council that the only solution would be to transfer $250,000 from the general fund to MTF for the payment to IDOT. Alderman Scott Davis noted that there was already a line item in the general fund for motor fuel tax. Alderman Jan Hall questioned how transferring money from one city account to another would solve the issue. Mr. Stauffer stated that transferring the money is the only possible solution that he can see at this point.

Mr. Stauffer informed the council that leaf pickup is almost complete, and advised residents not to rake any more leaves to the curb, as they will not be picked up. He stated that Tuesday will be the final day for leaf pickup in Gibson City.

Police Chief Steve Cushman told the council that the police department has ordered a new squad car. A 2016 Ford Interceptor has been ordered from Anderson Ford in Gibson City. Buying the car locally from Anderson Ford is about $1,300 more than the bid from the state, however, the state’s bid was for a 2015 model which did not include black paint, and Anderson Ford’s model has both black and white, which is what the department uses.

Superintendent Stauffer informed the council that advertising of bids for the city’s next project has been moved from January 8th to January 27th. This is due to the fact that a number of larger projects are up for bid on the earlier dates. Mr. Stauffer said that six different companies have already come forward to bid on city projects.

In old business, discussion was made on the consideration of a traffic control ordinance. Officer Eric Hyatt stated that there are two or three different plans being brought up. Alderman Hall asked if a committee meeting should be held to consider the plans before it is brought to the council for a full vote. Mr. Cushman agreed, and stated that a meeting will be held in the near future on the issue, likely before the end of the month.

In new business, the council voted to appoint Frank Titus and Matt Bell to the Public Recreation & Fishing Committee.

The council then went into executive session to consider the employment and compensation of one or more city employees. After returning to regular session, the council voted to hire Storm Crouch as a police officer beginning that day at a rate of $19,62 per hour plus full benefits.

The council then adjourned.